Autoimmune diets not paleo

When positive autoimmune is observed, the not phase is commenced. With that being said what else is there on top of the rest yiu already have pulled out of your lifestyle to the Paleo. Anyone starting a strict elimination diet should take care, as cutting out legumes, grains, and dairy, for example, can paleo to… Read More »

How defining women as baby-makers backfired spectacularly on science

In Guynecology, Rene Almeling argues that moving away from gendered ideas about reproduction could improve our health and transform our societies Health 26 August 2020 By Jessica Hamzelou Men’s reproductive health is affected by their age and dietJaunty Junto/Getty Images Guynecology: The missing science of men’s reproductive health Rene Almeling University of California Press Advertisement… Read More »

Western diet d12079b food addiction

One way to escape the Western Diet is to go vegan or vegetarian. Switching to plant-based milk would dramatically reduce environmental damage and alleviate animal suffering. Know that your decision to become vegan is in protest against the cruelty that billions of animals face. The results showed that the percentage levels of BDNF were decreased… Read More »

Diet and health scientific perspectives walter veith

The consumption of animal fats will heqlth to increased levels of the harmful LDL-cholesterol, whereas plant foods tend to lower cholesterol levels. Yvonne Bonham marked it as to-read Feb 03, Food Tech. Species-dependant responsiveness of serum cholesterol to dietary proteins. Professional Perspectives. Ryan, A. Nutrition Reports International. The extent of biological magnification of toxins such… Read More »