Can acid reflux cause muscle pain

It can range from a crushing or constricting chest pain to a sharp pain. However, you can have can acid reflux cause muscle pain sensation of a lump in the throat for other reasons, including anxiety or a hyper-reactive upper esophageal sphincter rather than reflux. How Can You Avoid Homework Stress? To prevent this from… Read More »

What honey is good for acid reflux

It does not interact with any known medications and it causes no side effects. All of this results in averting many of the symptoms of heartburn, such as nausea, coughing, acid regurgitation, and flatulence. Honey works well in combating GERD, because of most of the symptoms of acid reflux stem from inflammation, free radical damage,… Read More »

Who sells herbs and herbal remedies

Some websites may appear to be legitimate, health officials are often eager to define the safety and effectiveness of herbal medicines for conditions such as malaria. Using appropriate outcome measures, you can find a list of remedies and restricted herbal ingredients on the GOV. If you’re consulting your doctor or pharmacist about health matters, you cut… Read More »