Raw diet recipes for pitbulls with allergies

By | October 2, 2020

raw diet recipes for pitbulls with allergies

Pit Bulls are large and energetic dogs that require a wholesome diet to stay healthy. These dogs thrive off of protein and are known for their voracious appetites. While supermarkets and pet supply stores typically have a huge collection of formulas to choose from, many Pit Bull owners are making the switch to homemade food. A homemade diet is a great option for those that want more control over what their canine companion eats. Commercialized dog food usually undergoes many processes before it’s shipped out to consumers. Depending on the particular brand, the food might go through chemical processes, drying, and much more. By making your dog’s food by yourself, you’ll know where your ingredients come from, how they’re prepared, and what type of nutrients your dog is consuming.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below. Freeman also noted that the effect of having a shinier coat is due to the high-fat content of the raw diet. You can go with whole chicken or frozen breasts.

The use of bones, organ and muscle meats will take care of the rest. Chop up the carrots and lettuce into smaller pieces for easy digestion. They must be included in her diet. After consulting with the vet, he or she will likely prescribe antibiotics and other medications to cure the skin condition of your dog. Home Health. This recipe is excellent for Pit Bulls because of its high protein content.

You feed your dog regularly, clean the food and water bowls and even take him out for walks. However, if your pitbull has allergies, it may be time to consider switching to a raw food diet before spending hundreds of dollars on medical care. With a naturally stocky body, the Pitbull is a medium-sized dog that weighs anywhere between 30 pounds for small females to about 70 pounds for large males. These agile and masculine dogs use a considerable amount of energy, especially young adults and growing puppies. As such, they need a nutritious protein-packed diet to support their active lifestyle. These irritants may include wheat, corn, dairy products, chicken, soy and beef.

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This recipe is not only delicious and fun for your mutt, but it also contains a generous amount of proteins for building strong muscles. The carrots are also beneficial because of the high levels of beta-carotene. Some of the common bacteria in contaminated meat include Salmonella, Listeria, and E. Many mainstream veterinarians have also documented the risks of feeding your pup on raw food diets.