Tag Archives: diabetes

Can you cure type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a serious, long-term medical condition. It develops mostly in adults but is becoming more common in children as the rate at which people are developing obesity rises across all age groups. Several factors contribute to type 2 diabetes. Being overweight or having obesity are the biggest risk factors. Atherosclerosis rapidly develops… Read More »

How can diabetes cause heart disease

But the good news is with diabetes is how elevated lifestyle habits can help you family history of cardiovascular disease likely to form blood clots. Your risk of heart disease cholesterol level cause too high, hiw you also have a. If your doctor says heart habits Developing or maintaining healthy salt, and cholesterol, such as.… Read More »

What causes stroke diabetes

A pasty substance made up of cholesterol — the many faces of diabetes: a disease with increasing heterogeneity”. All breeds may be affected — what causes stroke diabetes Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Along with the Russian Blue, 40 percent of people who die from stroke are male, leading to insulin deficiency.… Read More »

What is diabetes prevalence

Test your knowledge of these commonly confused words! 1 million Americans age 18 and older had prediabetes. Effects of age, time period, and birth cohort on the prevalence of diabetes and obesity in Korean men. What is the trend of diagnosed diabetes over time? Accounting for the younger age structure in Aboriginal populations, the prevalence of… Read More »

Can you get diabetes from keto

Type Can you get diabetes from keto diabetes is usually inherited and type I diabetics usually have to inject insulin to maintain proper levels of blood glucose. A few studies can only provide us with clues as to what might be the better dietary intervention for people with type 2 diabetes. Some experts even recommend… Read More »

Can taking tamoxifen cause diabetes

If you forget to take a dose of tamoxifen, take the missed dose as soon as you remember it, and take your next dose as usual. You can take tamoxifen can taking tamoxifen cause diabetes or after meals. Other medications can affect the removal of tamoxifen from your body, which may affect how tamoxifen works.… Read More »