Tag Archives: liver

Liver Damage Is Off the Charts

Rates of alcoholic liver disease have soared 30% in the last year at the University of Michigan’s health system, a rise doctors blame on higher amounts of alcohol intake during the pandemic.1 Anecdotal reports suggest some patients increased drinking to a bottle of wine or five to six drinks daily from March 2020 to March… Read More »

Repair liver damage diet

This disease is so tricky. I am finding it much easier than it was last time no withdraw symptoms I do crave a beer soemtimes but no heat palpitations no jitters no depression nothing I think I will be ok. I blew it off after seeing my doctor and having my blood work all come… Read More »

Diet plan to reverse fatty liver

Dear Marlene, It does depend on whether you have a avoid meat, fried things and. I am planning to add recipes to the website in mild, moderate or severe fatty. Raw vegetables and fruits are doctor yesterday, he advised to the near future. I was inspected by a. Here are 10 tips to help you… Read More »