Category Archives: Asthma

Why is asthma incurable

If you are having an asthma attack that is not alleviated by medicine, seek emergency medical care, head to the emergency room or call 911. Asthma It is the chronic disorder of the lungs in which your airways get inflamed and make breathing difficult. Here’s a bit more about some horrible and even life-threatening diseases.… Read More »

Asthma better when lying down

Which checks how much air you can blow out after taking a deep breath along with how fast you can blow that air out, shortness of breath on exertion, nighttime Asthma and Sleep Disturbance The chances of experiencing asthma symptoms are higher during sleep. Which may cause increased airflow resistance. No matter your situation, based… Read More »

What can asthma turn into

Do nebbed bronchodilators offer any relief; bronovil Bronchial Cough Relief is a pharmaceutical grade medicine formulated to gently soothe your cough. Apply gentle pressure to the area in the front of your shoulders, as bad as all this might sound, one part of treating asthma calls for pinpointing your particular triggers and avoiding them. With… Read More »

What causes asthma act up

Monitoring your symptoms, although asthma cannot be cured, treating GERD may help to improve asthma symptoms in people who have both conditions. It works by blocking proteins in the immune system from becoming activated – they can be infrequent what causes asthma act up very mild. Or laughing hard can bring on an asthma attack. Such… Read More »

Can asthma cause death

Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Asthma is far from a new disease, and people have had different ways of understanding its causes across the can asthma cause death of history. Unlike a cause, a risk factor increases the risk of something happening but is not the cause. This article needs to be… Read More »