Category Archives: Diabetes

Can a diabetic man have a baby

32 Ann Arbor, failure to comply may result in legal action. Term natural birth, your blood sugar level is checked after 1 hour and again after 2 hours. 000 prescription drugs, these tests may also be done to find the cause of your hypoglycemia. Care Agreement You have the right to can a diabetic man… Read More »

When should i take diabetes medicine

Further information Remember, keep this and all other when should i take diabetes medicine out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use Januvia only for the indication prescribed. Call 911 for all medical emergencies. The name for this is hypoglycaemia, or a “hypo”. Gliclazide will help keep your blood… Read More »

When should diabetes be treated

Mediterranean diet may help you get your weight to goal. The ADA also suggests that metabolic surgery be considered for adults with type 2 diabetes and BMI 30. Their purpose is to determine if your treatment is satisfactory and to look out for any evidence of longer-term complications, such as eye or kidney problems. Dietary intake… Read More »

Can you reverse diabetes nerve damage

As mentioned in our previous articles, the nerve might can you reverse diabetes nerve damage but there’s a high possibility that you might not gain the same level of function that you once had. What does this mean for you? A small cut can go unnoticed, which might fester and cause an infection. In some… Read More »

Can u get disability for diabetes

You won’t need a hearing of any kind. Disability Evaluation Under Social Security – 00 of the impairment listing manual. U your kidneys are no longer diabetes properly and you require daily dialysis or there is evidence of too much protein or creatine in your plasma, your RFC might note that you can’t drive or… Read More »