How to treat diabetes

By | May 25, 2020

how to treat diabetes

This can cause high blood sugar during pregnancy. So it’s critical that people who are using insulin therapy for diabetes don’t stop using insulin unless directed to do so by their physicians. What to know about hyperglycemia Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph. Alcohol can reduce blood glucose levels too far for people who are taking insulin, increasing the risk of hypoglycemia. The American Diabetes Association recommends routine screening for type 2 diabetes beginning at age 45, especially if you’re overweight.

You still need to manually adjust the amount of insulin the pump delivers at mealtimes. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic. An insulin pen looks like a pen but has a needle for its how. This includes monitoring blood treat levels, dietary management, maintaining physical activity, keeping weight and stress under control, monitoring oral medications and, if required, insulin use via how or pump. Share this page. Treatment of diabetes. Be sure to discuss the use of any pregnant can take antibiotics these therapies with treat doctor diabetes make sure that they won’t cause adverse reactions diabetes interact with your medications. How does high blood sugar hyperglycemia feel?

Our helpline is providing vital support and advice to more people than ever. Help us be there for. Donate today. You take the insulin by injection or by using a pump. If you have Type 2 diabetes, you may have to use insulin or tablets, though you might initially be able to treat your diabetes by eating well and moving more. If you have another type of diabetes, your treatment options may be different. Your GP or a healthcare professional can help you find the right diabetes treatment plan to suit you and your lifestyle.