7 Diseases That Can Start With Your Gut Bacteria : Your gut environment that comprises a trillion of tiny microorganisms and all kinds of bacteria is responsible for many things. The most important one is breaking down and digesting food. However, a disrupted microbiota with an overgrowth of unhealthy gut bacteria can lead to all kinds of conditions. It can cause health issues both mild and life-threatening.
Typical symptoms of an unhealthy gut are bloating, IBS, gas, diarrhoea, stomach pain, etc. But, you would be surprised to learn that the following conditions also tie closely with gut bacteria.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system starts attacking the joints primarily. Additionally, it can also attack the eyes, skin, heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Many studies have tried to examine the relationship between gut health, microbiome, and its impacts on RA over the years.
One research shows us that patients suffering from this autoimmune condition are likely to have unhealthy and rare species of bacteria in their gut microbiome. The study demonstrates that upon transplanting a strain of healthy bacteria into the mice with RA, symptoms improved dramatically.
Although we need more studies and research to establish the relationship between the two, it’s clear that gut bacteria plays a role in the onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Allergies are probably the most common symptom and a result of the overgrowth of harmful gut bacteria. Many suffer from allergies and food intolerance, wherein they experience reactions like hives, itchy skin, breathing issues, and rashes, among other symptoms. One of the theories of modern science, which they call the ‘hygiene hypothesis,’ suggests that because most children today grow up in clean environments, they don’t get much exposure to the bacterial strains.
This is why the immune starts overreacting when they do finally come in contact with those microorganisms. That’s one theory. Other – more recent research suggests that it might have to do with something much more complicated. It emphasizes the role of the gut microbiome and how it interacts with the microbes found in the environment. Many factors, including unhealthy lifestyle, urbanization, exposure to chemicals, prolonged use of antibiotics; they can all have a significant impact on the gut microbes.
Medical science looks at obesity as a ‘metabolic’ disease.’ Therefore, they are looking at how the gut microbiome may promote rapid weight gain leading to obesity. A significant component in this regard is ‘the way the gut digests food.’ Some research suggests a few strains of gut bacteria might extract more calories.
Although excess energy is not the cause of obesity, some gastrointestinal bacteria might release hunger-signaling hormones, causing a person to eat way more than necessary. In that sense, gut bacteria invariably plays a crucial role in how your body stores energy and fat and manages hunger.
Multiple Sclerosis
It’s more than clear now the kind of ramification gut health and unhealthy gut environment can have on all aspects of your health. Researchers are also finding evidence that the gut microbiome may cause an altered/confused immune response.
Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease, causes symptoms like fatigue, tremors, fatigue, and myriad other issues. These symptoms are a result of when the immune system starts attacking a coating on the neurons.
According to this study, patients suffering from MS have two bacteria in common. These bacteria cause a change in the healthy blood leading to the development of an autoimmune response.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease are the two most common IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). They can cause severe issues for patients. Chronic inflammation of the digestive tract can cause painful flare-ups, which can be troublesome and, at times, life-threatening.
Though it’s hard to tell the origin of the disease, more researchers find that patients suffering from IBD have a microbial factor at a play. The composition of bacteria in their gut is different.
Certain gut bacteria might be promoting inflammation.
Treatments for IBD involve fecal transplant wherein the bacteria from the fecal substance of a healthy person is transplanted in the patient. But, so far, it has only been useful for C.difficile and not so much in the case of IBD.
Heart Disease
Heart disease is a collective term for all kinds of cardiovascular diseases. These diseases occur when the arteries become blocked or hardened by calcium or plaque. They can also be a result of narrowing due to chronic inflammation. As a result, a person may experience stroke or heart attacks.
A growing body of evidence is focusing on how the microbiome influences heart disease. It appears that certain bacteria can alter or hamper the body’s ability to manage and store cholesterol.
Mental Illness
There’s no shortage of scientific data that relates to mental health disorders with imbalanced gut microbiota. Certain gut bacteria produce a type of chemicals (neurotransmitters) which passes through the nervous system, exchanging signals. An unhealthy gut can alter the brain signals leading to anxiety, depression, and all kinds of mood-related and mental health issues.
If you are experiencing any of these issues for a long time, but the reason is still unclear, there’s a good chance that the cause is somewhere in your gut microbiome. Working with a gut specialist or a physician may offer you help.
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7 Diseases That Can Start With Your Gut Bacteria
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