Author Archives: Health

When is yoga celebrated

Everyone should be wondering why International Yoga Day is only celebrated on June 21st? However, in later hatha yoga, the Kaula visualization of Kuṇḍalini rising through a system of chakras is overlaid onto the earlier bindu-oriented system. Still more than 10, 000 people joined him to promote the day globally. Is there any better way… Read More »

Who blood pressure monitor

The app itself is very well structured with easy-to-follow instructions and we especially like the way it keeps the user informed with an animated graph during the test process. Oscillometric Blood Pressure Estimation: Past, Present, and Future”. They work at various speeds and tend to be the most accurate device, so many view them as… Read More »

How to do antibacterial gel

Lavender essential oil is a rejuvenating scent that can induce relaxation and feelings of calmness. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 91,294 times. The information how to do antibacterial gel here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease, nor is it a substitute for medical advice.… Read More »