Category Archives: News

Children May Silently Spread COVID-19

Kids can get the coronavirus too, but what parents may not know is that children are more contagious despite having mild or no symptoms, according to a recent study by Massachusetts General Hospital. For the investigation, researchers looked at 192 children between ages 0 and 22. Of these individuals, 49 tested positive for the coronavirus,… Read More »

Daily Dozen meal plan diet claims to help you live longer and is easy to follow

The Daily Dozen is an eating plan that maximises the consumption of fruit, veg, beans, wholegrains and nuts, and minimises the intake of meat, dairy, eggs and processed foods. Originally published in a book called How Not to Die by Dr Michael Greger, the diet might not make you immortal, but evidence suggests it could… Read More »

BMI vs. BAI: the Hunt for a Better Tool

The increasing whim among women all over the world toward personal health and fitness does not seem asynchronous with the urgency of the hour.  The battery of health and fitness tools,  BMI, body fat%, BMR, WTH (Waist-to-Hip) ratio, have a new member added to  the list,  BAI (Body Adiposity Index). Whichever tool you decide upon one thing that will not change is,… Read More »

Top Picks for Meditation Location in the US for a Person with Disability

Advertisements Living with a disability is not always easy. But that does not mean you cannot live a fulfilled and enjoyable life. One of the best ways to overcome challenges is by cultivating a meditation practice. What is meditation? Most people think of meditation as sitting barefoot, legs crossed and chanting ‘ohm’ for hours. Well,… Read More »

How big businesses in Singapore are managing the challenges of coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown into sharp focus the role of government in supporting the economy during periods of crises. But it has also highlighted the role big business can play. Look at Singapore. As the Asia-Pacific headquarters for many major corporations, the country has long invested in business stability even as geopolitical tensions flare globally. So when… Read More »