Category Archives: News

Avoiding Summer Health Pitfalls

Summertime and the livin’ is easy. Or maybe not. While many of us are thrilled that we’ve reached the end of the cold weather and are looking forward to the chance to spend more time outdoors, there are certain pitfalls that can definitely put a damper on our summer enjoyment. We want to help you… Read More »

Sanofi to move ahead with complicated API spinoff worth up to €2B: Reuters

The world has changed since Sanofi in February unveiled its intention to spin off its API production operations in Europe, but the company is still pressing ahead with the split, sources told Reuters. Sanofi will start prepping this fall for a stock market listing of the new company by 2022 and is discussing the business with potential investors, including France’s… Read More »

Medical News Today: Common foods alter gut bacteria by influencing viruses

A group of researchers has brought the idea of food as a medicine one step closer. They have identified certain common foodstuffs that alter our microbiome. In science today, food and gut bacteria are two topics that are guaranteed to fuel interest and debate. Both, of course, are interrelated, and a new study focuses on… Read More »

Menopausal Depression is Common, Who Is at Risk?

Patients and clinicians may not be fully aware that women are at increased risk for depression during the menopausal transition.  The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that clinicians screen all adults for depression, highlighting the importance of screening in populations at particularly high risk for depression.  While these recommendations have prompted increased awareness… Read More »