Category Archives: News

Could CBD help you drink less alcohol?

We’re drinking more alcohol than ever, despite social restrictions. But the new soberista crowd are now looking to CBD to take the edge off their nerves with no hangovers In a surprise to precisely no one, Brits are drinking more in lock down. Pubs and bars may be closed across the country, but that hasn’t… Read More »

Harvard expert outlines recommendations for school reopenings

This is part of our Coronavirus Update series in which Harvard specialists in epidemiology, infectious disease, economics, politics, and other disciplines offer insights into what the latest developments in the COVID-19 outbreak may bring. Most American public schools will be bringing students back in the fall, a Harvard healthy buildings expert said, and districts should… Read More »

How to have a happy COVID-19 holiday

It’s the eternal parental problem – but with a difference. Where do we take the kids this holiday and what do we pack? How does COVID-19 change those choices? As the school holidays beckon, the virus intrudes. Wherever you go – a “staycation” or on a trip – the rules apply: keep your distance from… Read More »

Doctor’s urgent message for people still refusing to cover face during pandemic

During the coronavirus pandemic, the public has been asked to wear face coverings when out and about, in shops and on transport. Many people have complied with this in order to help reduce the spread of the virus, but there are some people who still refuse to wear a face mask. One doctor recently heard… Read More »