Category Archives: News

‘I go to bed hoping I don’t wake up’

Dear Coleen As I write this, the tears are flowing. I have been divorced from my ex-wife for a number of years and, although I have siblings, we’ve lost touch with each other. I don’t have anyone I can call on as a friend and I feel lonely and depressed. I’ve had suicidal tendencies in… Read More »

Watch Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson Compete to Take Off Their Sweatpants While Doing Handstands

Yesterday, two Olympians brought back the handstand challenge. Today? They’re reversing it. Following in the footsteps of fellow Olympian Simone Biles back in April, Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin (gold medalists for the 2008 Beijing Olympics) upped the ante with the challenge that went viral on Instagram at the beginning of the quarantine. Instead of… Read More »

Medical News Today: Giving TB vaccine intravenously boosts efficacy

Experiments in rhesus macaques show that changing the mode of administration of an existing vaccine yields “amazing” results in the fight against tuberculosis (TB). Share on PinterestDelivering the TB vaccine intravenously rather than intradermally may prove significantly more effective. Globally, TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause of… Read More »

Could Mouthwash Be an Ally in Fighting COVID-19?

New research1,2,3 shows many dental mouthwashes destroy the lipid layer of coronaviruses and reduces the replication of the virus in the throat and salivary glands, making mouthwash a potentially useful prophylactic against COVID-19. As noted by the authors:4 “Emerging studies increasingly demonstrate the importance of the throat and salivary glands as sites of virus replication… Read More »