Category Archives: News

Coronavirus Tests The Value Of Artificial Intelligence In Medicine

Dr. Albert Hsiao and his colleagues at the University of California-San Diego health system had been working for 18 months on an artificial intelligence program designed to help doctors identify pneumonia on a chest X-ray. When the coronavirus hit the United States, they decided to see what it could do. The researchers quickly deployed the application, which dots X-ray… Read More »

Sweden’s death toll skyrockets

Sweden now has the highest coronavirus death rate in the world per capita over the last week after continuing to shun lockdown. The government has insisted that its softer approach to dealing with the pandemic will pay off in the long run as restaurants, bars and businesses remain open. But over the last seven days,… Read More »

Combining Remdesivir With Other Meds Could Boost COVID-Fighting Power

THURSDAY, May 21, 2020 — A combination drug therapy for COVID-19 aims to both prevent the virus from spreading inside the human body as well as quelling the immune system havoc that the germ wreaks. A U.S. federally funded clinical trial is testing whether the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir works better against COVID-19 if given… Read More »