CIVIS Media Prize 2020 – honours for 6 programmes, plus one TOP AWARD

By | October 4, 2020

Cologne – The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2020 have been announced. The main prize of €15,000, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the director and screenwriter Arkadij Khaet for his film “Masel Tov Cocktail”, which was produced by Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, SWR and ARTE. The 29-year-old Khaet had already picked up the CIVIS Media Prize in the YOUNG C. category. His film deals with a Jewish boy’s search for identity in Germany.

The prize in the Video/Information category goes to Anna Tillack for “Die Bettler aus der Walachei” (Walachian beggars, BR/ARTE). “Classe Unique” by Christel Gonnard and Pauline Rocafull comes top in the Video/Entertainment category (France Télévisions, France 3). The CIVIS AUDIO AWARD in the category of long programmes goes to Franziska Dorau for “Der Tod des Soumayla Sacko” (The death of Soumayla Sacko, ORF). Peter Voegeli emerges victorious in the short programmes’ category with “Zittau – mitten in Europa aber nicht mitten in der EU” (Zittau, in the middle of Europe but not at the centre of the EU, SRF). Director Caroline Link and producer Jochen Laube win the CIVIS CINEMA AWARD for the film “Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl” (When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit). Presenter Jaafar Abdul Karim receives a special mention for “JaafarTalk” (Deutsche Welle).

Europe’s most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity will take place as a new TV format. WDR and the CIVIS Media Foundation will broadcast the ceremony online from 2:00 pm on Friday, 02/10/2020. The programme will be available in the ARD Mediathek from Saturday, 03/10; ARD will broadcast the awards ceremony at 11:35 pm on Sunday, 4/10, followed by the winning film “Masel Tov Cocktail”.

Aminata Belli will host the ceremony. The awards will be presented by the actors Iris Berben and Lena Klenke, the presenter Sandra Maischberger, the rapper MoTrip, the professional footballer Neven Subotic and the comedian Tedros Teclebrhan. Their speeches will be included in the programme by video link. The same applies to contributions by the CIVIS Media Prize partners: Tom Buhrow, Chairman of the CIVIS Board of Trustees, ARD Chairman and Director General of WDR; Andreas Freudenberg, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Freudenberg Foundation; Annette Widmann-Mauz, Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration; the Directors General Peter Limbourg (Deutsche Welle) and Stefan Raue (Deutschlandradio), the Directors General Alexander Wrabetz, (ORF) and Gilles Marchand (SRG SSR), as well as Minu Barati-Fischer (Produzentenallianz).

Over 900 programmes from 22 EU states and Switzerland were entered in the competition for the CIVIS Media Prize. CIVIS is Europe’s most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity. It has been awarded in different categories since 1988. The CIVIS TOP AWARD was introduced this year. The patron of the CIVIS Media Prize 2020 is David-Maria Sassoli, President of the European Parliament.

European CIVIS awards 2020 – in the categories:

INFORMATION – Arte Re: Die Bettler aus der Walachei – Bedürftige oder organisierte Bande | Anna Tillack (Bayerischer Rundfunk, ARTE)

ENTERTAINMENT – Classe unique (New comers) | Christel Gonnard, Pauline Rocafull (France Télévisions, France 3)

SHORT PROGRAMMES – Rendez-vous: Zittau – mitten in Europa aber nicht mitten in der EU | Peter Voegeli (SRF)

LONG PROGRAMMES – Hörbilder: Der Tod des Soumayla Sacko | Franziska Sophie Dorau (Österreichischer Rundfunk)

Masel Tov Cocktail | Arkadij Khaet (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, SWR/ARTE)

Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl | Caroline Link, Jochen Laube, Fabian Maubach, Clementina Hegewisch (Sommerhaus Filmproduktion, Next Film Filmproduktion)

Masel Tov Cocktail | Arkadij Khaet (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, SWR/ARTE)

Special mention:
JaafarTalk: Sind Flüchtlinge und Migranten in Deutschland integriert? | Jaafar Abdul Karim (Deutsche Welle)

Broadcast dates:

Press information and image material:

Press contact:
CIVIS Media Foundation for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Europe
Ferdos Forudastan | +49 (0)221 277 5870 | | #civis2020 |

Source: RealWire

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