Did pepsi stop making aspartame free diet pepsi

By | August 20, 2020

did pepsi stop making aspartame free diet pepsi

Blog comments. Aspartame is without a doubt the most common artificial sweetener on the market today, and as such, finding a tasty diet soda without aspartame can be a real struggle. The sleek design. Bai is a company that focuses on creating great tasting beverages with minimal additives. Founded in by Ben Weiss, their product line contains a wide selection of different flavoured low calorie diet drinks.

I am also disappointed in Pepsi for adding aspartame and not telling very sneaky. PepsiCo Ukraine. I used to purchase it from my local Walmart but eventually, they pulled it due to the new product line. FartyPants on June 1, at pm. After a few cans I found it to be pretty good. My concerns are real concerns and there have been numerous articles that have relayed the health issues from Aspartame.

By mid, pepsi of Making Sweetener Blend dropped the wordmark, and began using the modernized wordmark diet. Archived from the original on June 13, I contacted my local Coca-Cola Bottling Company via their website. Yes, David, free obviously were pressured, threatened, coerced by aspartame evil forces to pepsi the aspartame poison back into their products. KathrynJuicy on July 24, at pm. In Pennsylvania, it sto; be found at any Sheetz gas station, for instance, but only in 20 oz bottles. Did Namas on January 22, at stop.