Dos and Dont’s after Wisdom Tooth Extraction You Must Know

By | September 19, 2020

The wisdom tooth is the third set of teeth. It is the molar behind the jaw. It usually occurs only after adolescence. It can occur at any time after the age of 16 years. If you are wondering about how long does wisdom tooth growing pain last, then let us tell you that it varies from person to person. Some might find relief immediately and some might feel the pain even after the wisdom tooth removal.

Why Does My Wisdom Tooth Hurt?

Wisdom comes at the back of the tooth jaw. If the jaw’s size is not enough, it cannot grow in such a limited space which results in the growth of sore wisdom tooth. In such a situation, it remains in a trapped state which causes pain. Often people get this pain removed before it is complete.

why does my wisdom tooth hurt

Some common causes of wisdom molar pain

Pain and swelling

In the case of sore wisdom tooth gum, recurrent pain and swelling should be taken seriously. In such a situation, instead of taking pain relief medicines or painkillers, go to the dentist. Painkillers only suppress pain, which aggravates the problem rather than resolving it.

Crooked teeth

Many people do not have enough space for the growth of chipped wisdom tooth in the jaws, due to which these teeth grow crooked and it leads to wisdom tooth pus. In this case, the dentist recommends removing these teeth.

Impacted wisdom tooth extraction of these teeth should not be delayed, as it becomes difficult to remove them with age. This happens because the bone around the horizontal wisdom tooth becomes stiff with age and does not allow it to drain easily. The lower the age, the faster the wound heals and the less trouble.

Gum teeth

Pericoronitis is a problem in which the gums remain over half the wisdom tooth socket. Due to this, food is collected in the area between the gums and teeth, causing infection, pain, swelling, and discomfort in opening the mouth. This pain is increased upon eating food.

If pericoronitis occurs, the dentist cleans the area with disinfectant and gives appropriate medication to reduce pain. If these problems arise again and and you witness an infected gum after wisdom tooth removal , it may mean that there is no place in the jaws for the wisdom tooth to come out. In such a situation, it is advisable to remove these teeth as soon as possible to prevent infection from spreading.

Stuck food

Sometimes the wisdom tooth does not go in line with the other teeth. This causes food to get stuck in between the two teeth, and one or both of them may rot. If the rottenness reaches the tooth veins, then the pain starts.

To save this tooth, it is necessary to treat the rotten teeth and remove the black wisdom tooth timely.

how to deal with wisdom tooth pain

What is the function of wisdom teeth?

The molars used in biting and chewing food are mostly the sixth and seventh teeth of the jaw. The wisdom teeth are rarely used because the wisdom molar is far behind. Now people up to the age of 30 can also get wisdom tooth nerve and dental pulse stem cells preserved by removing the wisdom tooth, which can help treat many life-threatening diseases.

Can it be removed just like a normal tooth?

Being very strong and often cropped, it is removed with the help of a small surgery. But for some people, it does not incur much pain, and for them, even without any surgery, wisdom teeth can be removed.

Children’s mouth is getting smaller

A survey by the National Oral Health Program of the Indian Dental Association (IDA) revealed that some children’s jaws are shortened due to eating disorders. Due to the jaw’s narrowing, there is no space in the mouth for the wisdom molar. And instead of thirty-two teeth, only twenty-eight teeth come in the mouth.

According to doctors, the commonly discarded Wisdom tooth is a treasure trove of cells. The soft part of this tooth has a large number of mesenchymal stromal cells. These cells are smaller than those found in Bone marrow.

According to Frank Choubron, a doctor at the Clinical Biopharma Institute, the fat or pulp found within the wisdom tooth can prove to be helpful and can be found more easily than bone marrow. During the research, it was found that the regeneration of broken bones, cornea, and heart muscle can be done with the help of them.

Follow these home remedies when you are suffering from wisdom teeth

If your wisdom tooth has come, you will get an idea of ​​its pain, and if your wisdom tooth has not come yet, then tell you that it is excruciating.

Wisdom tooth of most people comes between 17 and 25 years, but in many people, it comes even after 25 years. These are the last, most robust teeth in our mouth and come last.

Wisdom Tooth grows at the end of the jaw, and due to this, it does not get enough space to grow in the mouth. For this reason, when these teeth come, they push the remaining teeth as well. With this, there is pressure on the gums. Due to this, there are complaints of toothache, swelling of gums, and discomfort.

pain in wisdom tooth home remedy

During this time, not only is there severe pain, but many times, there are complaints of bad odor, difficulty in eating, and headache. The pain of a wisdom tooth can occur anytime, and it lasts for at least one or two days. In such a situation, if you wish, you can get relief from this pain and get wisdom tooth infection treatment by adopting these home remedies.


Most of us use cloves for toothache. It can also be used to treat the pain caused by wisdom molars. Its anesthetic and analgesic properties help calm the pain. Apart from this, its anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties also do not allow infection. If you want, you can put some cloves in the mouth or use its oil.


Using salt is also very beneficial in toothache. It helps reduce gingival irritation. The use of salt also reduces the risk of infection.


Garlic has antioxidant, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and many other medicinal properties that help reduce the pain of wisdom molar. It also does not allow the bacteria of the mouth to flourish.


Onion has antiseptic, anti-bacterial, and many other properties. Its use provides relief in toothache. It is also helpful in protecting gums from infection.

Guava leaves

Guava leaves work as a medicine in toothache. Guava leaves also have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which are beneficial in toothache.

Homeopathic medicines can treat many common diseases. The problem of a toothache can also be cured with homeopathic tips. If you also do not want to go to allopathy medicines or dentists to get rid of toothache, you can get treatment in homeopathy.

Many of us are troubled by toothache at some time in our lives. Toothache also cannot be ignored. Unbearable pain makes it difficult to live even if you try to do so. Toothache makes it challenging to eat and even talk or work.

This is a common problem that sometimes troubles every human being. However, everyone may complain of toothache for different reasons. If someone feels a worm in the teeth, someone may get a toothache due to swelling in the gums. You may have read and heard about Ayurvedic remedies and home remedies to relieve toothache, but let us tell you that there are homeopathic tips for toothache.

Here we are going to tell you about some practical homeopathic tips for toothache.



It is the best homeopathic medicine to overcome the problem of pain caused due to wisdom teeth. Silicea is also helpful in relieving swelling in the gums and cheeks due to emulsions.



The problem of toothache due to the growth of wisdom teeth can be cured with staphysagria. It is also an effective drug for treating bleeding gums and excessive salivation.



Plantago is a prevalent medicine to relieve toothache. It is also useful in treating sensitivity in teeth. When dental pain increases and reaches the ears, then Plantago is effective in alleivating this problem. Plantago can be administered or ingested depending on the toothache’s severity and any health problems associated with it.



Homeopathic medicine Arnica is very useful in the treatment of gingival pain after tooth extraction and tooth filling. Arnica works as a pain reliever. Arnica is used in homeopathy treatment of various health problems. A continuous toothache may be felt due to merc

Merc Sol

The problem of toothache due to the growth of wisdom teeth can be overcome with Merc Sol. Bleeding from gums, loose teeth, and sensitivity can also be cured with this medicine.

Merc Sol

Keep in mind that for any disease or health problem, homeopathic medicine should be consumed only after the advice of experienced homeopathic doctors. Homeopathic treatment is effective and beneficial only when taken under the supervision and advice of experienced homeopathic doctors. Do not take any homeopathic medicine of toothache on your own.

In general, wisdom tooth extraction may be required if your are having pain, tooth decay, infections or any gum disease in that area. With modern dental styles you only have a little bleeding and discomfort. Your dentist decides whether to remove your tooth or not. Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums. X-rays give more information about the texture of your teeth, gums and bones. Your dentist numbs the affected areas before removing your tooth.

Anaesthesia is applied to your gums before giving you painkillers. When they become numb, your dentist will remove your tooth. In some situations, after extracting a tooth, some sutures are required to heal your gum pain. You may be given some antibiotics to correct infection.

wisdom tooth extraction aftercare

Your dentist advises you to include a soft diet in your food after tooth extraction and take care by keeping a cold pack or ice on your cheeks. Follow the below-mentioned wisdom teeth after care tips:

After extracting the tooth, blood keeps coming from the place of tooth extraction for a while. It stops after some time due to formation of blood clot. If this blood clot gets removed from its place, then the bleeding continues for a long time. To keep this clot in place, please follow the instructions given below:

  1. Remove the cotton pack after an hour of removing the tooth.
  2. Do not rinse with water for 24 hours after leaving the clinic.
  3. Do not touch the blood clot with tongue or finger.
  4. Cold and fluid have to be taken for 24 hours. Do not eat anything which needs to be chewed.
  5. Do not eat anything for 2 days from the side where the teeth has been removed from.
  6. Speaking, jumping, and exercising for 24 hours after removing the tooth is prohibited.

Apart from all these instructions, instructions given by your doctor should be followed strictly.

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