How this physician created a multi-specialty ambulatory surgery clinic from scratch [PODCAST]

By | May 19, 2021

“I firmly believe that if physicians leveraged themselves and their knowledge of medicine, there would be no need to for them to undertake ventures in the fields that they know little about. The old adage goes like this: Physician, heal thyself. I call on my fellow physicians to heal themselves by dropping the cloak of victimhood and taking charge of their professional and personal destiny. We all spent years in medical school, residency, and for many, fellowship to become experts in our field. Let’s apply that expertise and regain control of the practice of medicine by understanding the business of medicine in order to secure the integrity of medical practice and our financial future. If I could do this, so can everyone else. Audentes Fortuna Juvat.”

Sandra R. Weitz is an anesthesiologist.

She shares her story and discusses her KevinMD article, “Fortune favors the bold: How a physician lives up to that motto.”

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Hosted by Kevin Pho, MD, The Podcast by KevinMD shares the stories of the many who intersect with our health care system but are rarely heard from.