Resistance bands are an excellent training tool. They’re versatile, easy to pack, and relatively cheap to buy. While you can work your whole body with a band, we’ve lined up six great resistance-band exercises for toning legs that you can do just about anywhere.
For the workout, we suggest using either a resistance band that you can tie or a mini band set (mini bands are the smaller, looped bands).
Lateral band walk

- Place a looped resistance band above your knees and sit in a partial squat position.
- With your arms forward, chest lifted, and knees bent, lead with your heel and take 8 steps to your left. Make sure your feet stay parallel the entire time.
- Repeat in the opposite direction, making sure to keep your your abs drawn in.
Seated banded leg extensions
- Find a sturdy chair or bench and attach your resistance band to the leg or base so it loops around your ankle.
- With your legs at 90 degrees, feel the resistance as you straighten your right leg. Bring your leg back to 90 degrees as you return to your starting position.
- Do a total of 12 reps, then repeat on the left leg.
Standing rear leg lift
- Place a looped resistance band around your lower calves. With your hands on something sturdy to stay balanced—like a wall or a chair—raise one leg straight behind you.
- Once you reach the top, squeeze your glutes, then lower back to your starting position.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times on each side.
Leg Lift
- Loop a resistance band around legs just above knees. Come to hands and knees with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
- Keeping knee bent, core stabilized, and glutes engaged, lift right leg out to the side and back until upper leg is parallel with the floor.
- Lower leg to start position.

- Loop a resistance band around legs just above knees. Lie on right side with knees bent and stacked, and heels in line with glutes.
- Keeping hips facing forward and heels together, lift left knee as high as possible, engaging core and glutes the entire time. Lower to start position.
Squat with Knee Pulse

- Stand with a resistance band above knees, feet hip-width apart. Push hips back and bend knees to lower into a deep squat.
- Keeping chest lifted, glutes engaged, and weight equally over both feet, press knees out 1 inch, then back to start position.
Workout Directions
Do each move below in order for 10–15 reps. Do 2–3 rounds of the entire circuit.
Keep in mind: With a very light-resistance band, you can use these moves for hip mobility and flexibility. With a heavier band, these moves will help build strength in your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and hips.
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