Veterans benefit from pain treatment without drugs

A new study finds a lower risk of adverse post-treatment outcomes among returning military service personnel with chronic pain who received nondrug therapy. Share on PinterestNew research shows that some nondrug therapies, including exercise therapy, can help relieve pain in veterans. Many people returning from military deployment experience physical and mental health issues. These can… Read More »

Brain ‘signature’ could help to diagnose schizophrenia

People with schizophrenia and their healthy siblings share patterns of brain activity that are different from those seen in individuals with no family history of the disorder, scientists from EPFL have found. Because the siblings do not show schizophrenia symptoms, this brain ‘signature’ could serve as a marker for the early diagnosis of the disorder.… Read More »

Why Prisoners Are More Likely to Die of COVID-19

Compared with the general population, inmates experience an almost sixfold greater risk of contracting COVID-19 as well as a threefold higher risk of dying of the severe respiratory condition, suggest new findings published in the journal JAMA by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. For the recent study, scientists counted the number… Read More »