Hancock calls for urgent review into coronavirus death data in England

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has called for an urgent review into how coronavirus deaths have been recorded in England. It follows confirmation from Public Health England that reported deaths may have included people who tested positive months before they died. The other UK nations only include those who die within 28 days of a positive… Read More »

Medical News Today: Heart health: Are women getting incorrect treatment?

Recent research suggests that ignoring sex-specific risk factors of heart disease has resulted in women having a higher risk of dying from heart failure than men. Share on PinterestDifferences between men and women may mean that the latter do not receive the right treatment for heart conditions. A review published in Nature Medicine reveals an… Read More »


Osteopathic massage is a form of holistic massage. It encompasses the principles of both osteopathy and remedial massage. Osteo massage is a “whole body” massage involving a variety of stretching exercises and osteopathic practices. The objective is to achieve healthy joint positioning that will promote overall wellbeing. More… The osteo massage usually occurs in an… Read More »