Cant sleep on diazepam

But in the short short cant, sleep medications do have their place. If you’re trying to get pregnant, or you’re having problems getting pregnant while on diazepam, speak to your doctor. Alcohol can increase the effects of diazepam. What cant the best solution for sleep sleep insomnia? I do find I diazepam very drowsy and… Read More »

Why high cholesterol is bad

Cholesterol is a waxy substance your liver makes to protect nerves and to make cell tissue and certain hormones. Your body also gets cholesterol from the food you eat. This includes eggs, meats, and dairy. Too much cholesterol can be bad for your health. Good cholesterol is known as high-density lipoprotein HDL. The level at… Read More »

Tenet cites dramatic rebound of patient volume post COVID-19 slump

Dive Brief: Dallas-based Tenet told investors Tuesday patient volumes at its hospitals have dramatically ramped back up following steep declines throughout March and April. Hospital surgeries, which were down 55% in April compared to pre-COVID-19 levels, returned to about 95% pre-COVID levels during the first half of June. Recovery efforts include securing personal protective equipment… Read More »