Medical News Today: Could a probiotic prevent or reverse Parkinson’s?

A new study using a roundworm model of Parkinson’s disease found that a probiotic bacterium could prevent, and in some cases reverse, toxic protein buildup. Misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins in the brain are the hallmark sign of Parkinson’s disease. Many experts believe that these toxic protein clumps lead to the progressive loss of brain cells that… Read More »

Why is diuretic used in sports

Acetazolamide effects on performance depends on altitude; at sea level Heigenhauser et al. Screening, confirmation and quantification of used in urine for doping control analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric why ionisation tandem mass spectrometry. Diuretics are drugs that increase the rate of urine flow and sodium excretion to adjust the volume and composition of body… Read More »

Looters target San Jose pharmacy, many without medication – KTVU San Francisco

Looters target San Jose pharmacy, many without medication Looters targeted a pharmacy in San Jose on Sunday that’s been serving the community during the pandemic. SAN JOSE, Calif. – Looters targeted a pharmacy in San Jose on Sunday that’s been serving the community during the pandemic. Now, the owner of Garcia Pharmacy is telling some… Read More »

Green coffee how long last

In the meantime, they can try other bright coffees that ARE at their prime. Coffee is an incredibly popular drink worldwide and is available in lots of different forms. But that means a roaster buying a Past Crop coffee from a broker might have it a year in his own storage before roasting it all.… Read More »