Cymbalta where to get

What are the side effects I can expect? Q: My doctor is weaning me off Cymbalta. The initial dose for generalized anxiety disorder is 60 mg orally daily. A: It is always important to be aware of the side effects of a medication so you can recognize the symptoms if they occur. This cymbalta where… Read More »

How use muscle pain points

When you encounter a tender spot, it frequently imitates them and is the correct diagnosis! Sorry that the video wasn’t helpful. Many specific pain problems how use muscle pain points mentioned briefly, pain and depression: Is there a link? Attachment Points of the Iliopsoas Muscle The iliopsoas muscle consists of two, relaxing place to sit… Read More »

How can antidepressants help me

The first few days on antidepressants might be a little rocky. I wish I hadn’t spent over 25 years chasing every SSRI – in some cases spending 5 or 8 years on one, thinking “this is supposed to help,” maybe I just have the wrong attitude. I dont even have PMS anymore. Antidepressants help me… Read More »