Cardiovascular disease by who

In the plan it is stated to “provide scientific guidance for healthy diets — heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: 2006 Update. At least three quarters of the disease’s deaths from CVDs occur in low, read more about coronary heart disease. Including lost productivity and mortality — mainly from heart disease and stroke. Genes may play… Read More »

What to eat for good cholesterol

If you’re planning to make changes to your diet, it’s important to consider all the different parts of your life that might be affected. Most legumes have a fairly neutral taste and are suitable for different dishes, including soups, salads, sides, dips, and entrées. A recent study concluded that a diet supplemented with walnuts can… Read More »

Does nyquil sleep aid have alcohol

One of Nyquil’s main ingredients, acetaminophen, may cause liver damage if taken in high doses and for a long period. Title pretty much says it all. Alcohol as a standalone can cause heartburn, inflame the intestinal lining, and provoke gastrointestinal distress. Complications may also occur, especially if you already have another medical condition such as… Read More »

What are diuretics used for

The abuse of diuretics as performance-enhancing drugs and masking agents in sport doping: pharmacology, toxicology and analysis”. Instead, bring up the issue to your ob-gyn, who may prescribe water pills to take before your period or whenever you tend to feel super-inflated. Take note of that word: prescribed. First, they effectively reduce blood pressure. Make… Read More »