Smell Therapy to Combat Anosmia Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

By | October 13, 2020

Anosmia is a decreased sense of smell. It can be partial or complete, and also temporary, or permanent. It is generally not serious but can have a profound effect on a person’s quality of living. In April, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) realized Anosmia as an official symptom of COVID-19. Whether he is a hospitalized COVID-19 patient or one with a minor infection or one with no symptoms, many people have not been able to get back their lost smell from the pandemic period.

In addition to the damage that the much talked about COVID-19 is afflicting to the human body in forms of physical damage to the human organs as well as increased levels of stress and anxiety, many people have begun to complain about the loss of their ability to smell.


Smell therapy finds its role here. There has been a sudden leap in the number of people reaching out to organizations that present Smell therapy. Chrissi Kelly, the founder of Abscent, a UK charity, said that they have been receiving three times the membership that they used to receive before the pandemic.

What is Smell Therapy for Anosmia?

Smell therapy, like any other physiotherapy, is not a cure but more of a training kind for the nose that helps the nose to regain its ability to smell by stimulating and amplifying the nerves that are responsible for the smell. The four essential oils used for this involve- rose, lemon, clove, and eucalyptus.

smell therapy essential oils

How Does Smell Therapy Work?

Anosmia patients are supposed to sniff each of the four essential oils for up to 20 seconds, twice a day. Adequately, the smell therapy duration should last for a minimum of four months to be effective. If unable to join an organization, patients can even create their smell kits at home using shoe polish, coffee, or other spices to replace the essential oils. The main motive is to focus on what they are smelling.

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