Staff Spotlight: Q & A with Danny Johnson, CarePartners Hospice Volunteer Manager

By | July 22, 2021

We are so proud of all the special work our Hospice volunteers make possible. A special thanks to Danny Johnson, CarePartners Hospice Volunteer Manager. Check out his interview below:

Q: Why did you choose to be a Hospice Volunteer Manager?

Danny Johnson

A: Perhaps it’s a bit more like the career chose me. I am honored to work alongside such amazing and gifted people who commit to the helping profession and making an impact on our hospice patients and families. This is sacred work. I believe in serving others and being able to support volunteers in their desire to serve others makes me a kindred spirit with each volunteer.

Q: What is the most rewarding part about your job?

A: The amazing stories that unfold as volunteers share their experiences. I am in awe of volunteers and their inspiration, many paying back gifts they have received, others paying forward in anticipation of needs that may come, others just innately passionate about serving the needs of their fellow humankind.

Q: What do you wish folks understood about Hospice?

A: Hospice is a concept, more than a specific place, or any one person. It’s our goal to enhance the patient experience by providing medical care that will allow them to focus on living, rather than dying. We want families to look back on the death of their loved one without regret, but fulfillment of knowing they loved, cared for, celebrated and honored their loved ones life. Allowing hospice to support, guide and walk part of the journey is a gift to one’s self and those we love.

Q: What might people be surprised to learn about Hospice volunteers?

A: Our volunteers are compassionate souls that care for others during their difficult time. Their tasks vary but include providing respite and emotional support, providing a listening ear, playing an instrument, creating a craft project, baking cookies, writing an encouraging note and more. They have a willingness to learn and make themselves available to support patient and family needs.

Click for more information on how to become a volunteer at Hospice, or call 828-277-4800.

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