Tag Archives: cause

Why do antidepressants cause weight gain

Weight gain associated with long-term SSRI use seems clinically apparent, but the evidence is preliminary. Weight may change early or late during antidepressant treatment, and gaining in the first weeks usually predicts future gains. Of all the potential side effects from antidepressants, the one that people ask most frequently about is weight gain. Abell CA,… Read More »

Does what u eat cause acne

Stressing causes more harm does what u eat cause acne the sweets themselves. This led the researchers to hypothesize that the increased insulin was caused by compounds found in chocolate. Why Does Marijuana Make Your Heart Race? Greasy foods may be off the hook, but there could be other diet culprits behind your acne breakouts.… Read More »

What cause cheek acne

You have hair over nearly all areas of your skin, how do I ask for rosacea treatment instead? These shifts trigger the oil production acne and result in increased acne. It bulges outwards — and debris cheek clogs pores over time. Acne usually cause in areas where there are many oil glands, look carefully at… Read More »

What cause cymbalta effects

Do not take this medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended. In what to minimize the risk of potentially dangerous interactions, serotonin syndrome is a potentially fatal condition that occurs when high levels of the chemical effects accumulate in the body. Other medications can affect the removal of duloxetine from your… Read More »

What cause quartan malaria

The other drugs used to treat malaria only eliminate the parasites in the erythrocytes. Both hydrochloroquine and chloroquine have a side effect of retinal toxicity when administered to infected patients. PCR techniques are also commonly used for diagnoses confirmation as well as to separate mixed Plasmodium infections. Death may occur from general debility, anemia, or… Read More »