It’s no secret that smoking can be detrimental to your health. You’ve heard it before, and it’s certainly not news to you. With every passing year, the reasons to quit seem to pile up, but no one can choose to quit but you. November 19 is the Great American SmokeOut, a perfect time to give up smoking for good.
Before you officially kick the habit, it’s a wise idea to prepare a solid plan. These tips for smoking cessation can help you get ready.
8 Tips for Smoking Cessation
Here are 8 ideas for methods that have proven helpful for people trying to kick cigarettes to the curb.
Talk with your Doctor
It can be a good idea to talk with your doctor before you officially quit, they may have helpful advice that caters to your unique health needs. Some people use medication to get them through their initial break from cigarettes.
Get Your Support System in Place
You can’t do it alone, so as you prepare to quit, gather a team of friends and family who will encourage you when you want to give up. Consider starting a group text with friends, or find a team of people who want to quit smoking too. Your odds of success increase dramatically with a support system in place.
Stock Up On Helpful Products
You may choose to lean on nicotine gum or patches to get through the first few weeks or months without cigarettes. Others use supplements to help control cravings, products such as Tobacco from DesBio uses plant-based, homeopathic formulas that may prove helpful as you wean your body off nicotine.
Clean and Purge
When you’ve had your last cigarette, it’s time to throw out your lighters and ashtray, removing the reminder of your old habits. Go through your home and wash bedding and curtains to remove the cigarette smell. Wipe down surfaces and consider having upholstery and carpets cleaned as well. Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day makes all natural products like all-purpose cleaners and fabric softener to help you make a fresh start.
Keep Your Mouth Busy
One proven method for quitting includes giving your mouth something else to do besides smoke. Sugarfree gum, baby carrots, hard candy, or suckers can be helpful as a replacement for cigarettes.
Treat Yourself!
Think of all the money you’ll be saving by not forking over cash for cigarettes. Use an online calculator like this one to see how much you’ll save and then plan to spend that cash on weekend getaway, day at the spa, new TV, or whatever motivates you to keep going.
Stay Moving
It’s not a good idea to change too many things at once, for example you should not plan on going on the Keto diet the same day you quit smoking. Instead, when you want to go outside for a cigarette, go outside for a walk. Increasing physical activity can provide you with endorphins and other beneficial chemicals that help you stay positive through the difficult days of withdrawal.
Don’t Give Up
You might not be successful the first time, or the second, but giving up guarantees you never will be. If you screw up and have a cigarette, try again immediately. Don’t pick a date in the future, get right back at it, use what you’re learning with every step to help you give up cigarettes for good.
Do you have any tips for smoking cessation? What worked for you? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments section below.