- In a new YouTube video, Dr. Pimple Popper removes a rock-like growth from the middle of a patient’s forehead.
- Though Dr. Lee originally thought the growth was a cyst, it turns out to be a hard rock-like mass.
- Dr. Lee explains that the growth is a pilomatricoma, which is a firm, mobile growth under the skin that forms in the hair follicle.
In a new YouTube video, Dr. Pimple Popper—aka dermatologist and TLC host Dr. Sandra Lee, MD—removes a rock-like growth from the middle of a patient’s forehead. And this pebble puts up a fight.
In the clip, Dr. Lee makes a small incision in the middle of the patient’s forehead and attempts to push out the growth. When it doesn’t expel gunky contents like a normal cyst, Dr. Lee goes in deeper to try to grasp the tiny calcified mass.
The famed derm uses a cauterizing tool to keep bleeding to a minimum, but struggles to free the tiny bothersome growth. Dr. Lee tries a stitch suspension method to remove the mass, but it won’t budge. After several other attempts with tweezers and curets, Dr. Lee tried the suspension technique once more—and it works. A pesky bead-like mass emerges from the patient’s forehead after a long and frustrating battle.
“It’s like a little rock,” Dr. Lee tells the patient, as she shows her the growth. “You can’t squeeze it. You can’t smush it.” In fact, the tiny growth even sounds like a rock when you bang it against something.
Dr. Lee explains that the growth is a pilomatricoma, which is a firm, mobile growth under the skin often confused with an epidermoid cyst. They are benign growths that begin in hair follicles and most commonly form on the head.
Watch the rockin’ removal below:
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