Watch Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson Compete to Take Off Their Sweatpants While Doing Handstands

By | June 12, 2020

Yesterday, two Olympians brought back the handstand challenge. Today? They’re reversing it. Following in the footsteps of fellow Olympian Simone Biles back in April, Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin (gold medalists for the 2008 Beijing Olympics) upped the ante with the challenge that went viral on Instagram at the beginning of the quarantine.

Instead of just putting on or taking off their shirts, the duo decided that they would compete to see who could take off a pair of sweatpants the fastest—all while doing a free handstand.

In a video posted to Instagram on Friday, Johnson and Liukin can be seen attempting to stay upright while taking off a pair of black and red sweatpants. With Johnson’s husband, former NFL star Andrew East, cheering them on in the background in the 25-second clip, it was neck and neck in terms of who would eventually win (or topple over).

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Who came out victorious from their friendly competition? It happened to be Liukin—but only by a slight margin, as Johnson caught up to her former teammate just seconds later and successfully removed the item of clothing.

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Back in April, the original handstand challenge went viral among athletes and celebrities alike as a way to keep themselves active in quarantine. With Tom Holland kicking it off and then passing the challenge on to friends (and fellow Marvel buddies) Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhaal, it wasn’t long before gymnasts like Johnson and Liukin joined in.

The most impressive of all? Possibly bobsledder Lolo Jones, who upped her own ante by taking off two shirts instead of one, or even Biles herself, who held near-perfect form for an entire minute.

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