What is vitamin d good for you

By | June 6, 2020

what is vitamin d good for you

Vitamin D is found in only what few foods, like oily fish Credit: Getty Images. With so many factors putting us at risk of low levels, it makes sense to look at ways to for. Although there are natural variations, the table below provides estimates for the amounts of vitamin D3 naturally-occurring and fortified and D2 that may be found in certain food sources. It regulates the cells which build and maintain bones. This benefit makes it potentially useful as a supportive therapy for people with steroid resistant asthma. Vitamin Paulo Med J. Covering the skin with clothing can you vitamin D production also. Breastfeeding: Infants who exclusively breastfeed need a vitamin D supplement, especially if they have dark skin or good minimal sun exposure. Obes Rev.

Vitamin D is having its day in the sun. In recent years, research has associated low blood levels of the vitamin with higher risks of everything from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to mood disorders and dementia. The findings have not gone unnoticed. Vitamin D supplements and screening tests have surged in popularity. JoAnn E. Unfortunately, this vitamin D trend isn’t all blue skies. Some people are overdoing it with supplements. Researchers looking at national survey data gathered between and found a 2. Vitamin D, nicknamed the sunshine vitamin because your body produces it after sun exposure, has long been known to help build strong bones by increasing the body’s absorption of calcium and phosphorous.

And what is vitamin d good for you with you

If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. How this works. A human body produces vitamin D as a response to sun exposure. A person can also boost their vitamin D intake through certain foods or supplements. Vitamin D is essential for several reasons, including maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It may also protect against a range of diseases and conditions, such as type 1 diabetes. Vitamins are nutrients that the body cannot create, and so a person must consume them in the diet. However, the body can produce vitamin D.

The Mayo Clinic says this bone disease results when the cycle of new bone creation and old bone loss becomes unbalanced and more bone is lost than created. Recent studies have found that during pregnancy, vitamin D may reduce the risk of many pregnancy complications. However, the authors also looked at other studies where vitamin D did not have this effect on flu and flu risk. Benefits Deficiency Sources of vitamin D Dosage Risks If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission.