Bethany on ketogenic diet

By | August 23, 2020

bethany on ketogenic diet

Bethany went for a decade without ever having her period. After being diagnosed with PCOS she tried everything she could think of to reverse it, but nothing worked. She stumbled upon a keto cookbook and signed up on the two-week keto low-carb challenge. This is what happened. Every time I went off birth control though, I never got a cycle. I had PCOS. My testosterone and progesterone levels were slightly elevated, thankfully there was no tumor in my brain pushing on my pituitary gland, but it gave me the diagnosis of PCOS. I was so relieved to put a name to my condition, but unfortunately, the doctors told me they can only help with the symptoms and not actually cure it.

Welcome to my blog! I’m on a journey to teach people about the keto diet so they can take back control of their health, and ultimately their life! Follow along this awesome journey to find true happiness and health through food. If you are tired of being sick, overweight and unhealthy, and want to gain self-confidence and learn how to be comfortable in your own skin, then click below to find out how the keto diet could be the answer to all of your troubles! Bethany Collaso Welcome to my blog! Click here for more information.