DNA Testing and 5 Ways How it Helps Women Live Healthier

By | April 22, 2021

DNA Testing and 5 Ways How it Helps Women Live Healthier
DNA Testing and 5 Ways How it Helps Women Live Healthier

DNA Testing and 5 Ways How it Helps Women Live Healthier : DNA testing is not something people think about in a daily business. In most cases, it is triggered by curiosity or a need. In a bid to gauge risk for disease and other conditions, some individuals may seek DNA testing.

Men will also take it when they are faced with uncertainty on their biological relations with a child. Besides, criminal investigation officers might ask for DNA testing from suspects in case of a crime.

These are some of the common scenarios where people can undertake DNA genetic testing. However, did you know that taking a DNA test can help us live healthier?

Healthier living in Women

Understanding how our DNA works and reacts to various catalysts is instrumental in improving quality of life.

Below, we are going to discuss how knowing your genetics can help women live healthier.

  1. Helps in the diagnosis of genetic diseases

    Genetic testing is of paramount importance as it helps in diagnosing underlying genetic diseases. What it does is determine your chances of developing certain health conditions and your probability of you passing on these hereditary complications to your children.

    One common disease that DNA testing can help uncover is Type 2 diabetes. If the results show that you have high chances of developing Type 2 diabetes, your doctor will be able to advise you on ways you can help keep it at bay.

    For starters, they will ask you to regularly check your sugar levels and educate you on some of the signs to look out for. Also, the doctors will recommend a diet plan and exercise routine suitable for you, depending on your health and age.

  2. Keep addiction at bay

    As much as we as humans are naturally judgmental, do not be quick to judge another person because they suffer from an addiction. Their DNA might be the root cause.

    Conventionally, people thought that environmental factors were the only causes of addiction. This could not be further from the truth. Several pieces of research show that genetics have a significant part to play in addiction.

    Genetic testing can shed light on possible hereditary addiction. You can know more about the probability of developing alcoholism, nicotine, and caffeine dependency. Whether you already have an addiction or not, you are in a better position to make changes that improve your quality of life.

    For instance, if you are sober and the results show that you are at a high risk of developing alcohol or nicotine dependency, a counselor or doctor will share with you ways in which you can maintain sobriety. If you are already an addict and have problems dealing with it, they might recommend a medical or rehab facility that can help with your addiction. Also, if the results show that regular consumption of caffeine can cause dependency, the doctor can advise you on the steps to take to reduce the amount of coffee you drink.

  3. Helps you lose weight

    Considering that two-thirds of people living in the United States are overweight, weight loss is a topic that many people are keen on. These numbers are staggering, with over 36% of Americans obese.

    Obesity is often a result of poor eating habits and a lack of exercise. Hormonal malfunctions and underlying conditions such as PCOS are factors that may trigger weight gain. Apart from these factors, a person’s genetics may also be responsible for pounds piling up.

    By gaining insight into your genetic composition, you understand the various conditions and habits that may trigger changes in your weight. For instance, the test will show your genetic build, among other things. It also shows what foods your body needs to allow you to plan your diet well while targeting weight loss. By sharing the DNA results with your trainer, they can recommend exercises that are effective in burning fat in problematic areas.

  4. Know if you are at risk of heart disease and cardiovascular complications

    There are a host of factors that expose people to the risk of heart disease and various cardiovascular diseases. Blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index are other similar factors and so is your genetics.

    While our family background and biology are unchangeable, you can always plan a heart-healthy lifestyle that is unique to you.

    A genetic test will show the CVD risk scores for conditions such as High HDL (Good) Cholesterol Atrial Fibrillation, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), High LDL (Bad) Cholesterol, Blood pressure, and Stroke.

    Once you get your genetic testing results, you should make the following plans based on the results of your genetic test: You should adopt a regular healthy diet and exercise routine. Also, consider going for heart checkups to help doctors diagnose the problem sooner rather than later.

    If the results show that you already have an underlying heart condition, you can also consult with your doctor about your treatment/management options.

  5. Helps promote healthy eating

    As much as we love the fact that we share genes with our family members, there are disadvantages to that. A parent with a defective gene is more likely to pass it on to their children. Borrowing from a point stated earlier, taking a DNA test allows an individual to know whether they are at risk of certain diseases.

    Learning that you are susceptible to diseases such as diabetes and conditions such as obesity allows you to make better lifestyle choices. By reviewing the results, your doctor will advise you on the best possible eating plan for you. Even as a healthy individual, you will have insider information on what to consume and what to avoid ensuring you do not trigger certain conditions that you are vulnerable to. Besides, you can improve your eating habits to lessen the risk of developing food-related diseases.


Genetic testing allows individuals to better understand their health. Every person has a different set of genetic variants that distinguishes them. Knowing your genetic makeup will help you better understand your potential for different health problems.

Members of the same family may have genetic predispositions that are both similar and distinct. Since family members share certain genetic variations, some of these health disorders run in families. As a result, genetic testing, including health checkups, should be performed by any member of your family.

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Women Fitness Magazine