How much is prolon diet uk

By | June 29, 2020

how much is prolon diet uk

I am someone who likes to eat. In fact, eating is probably one of my best skills. So the prospect of not eating for five days did not massively appeal. But that, dear reader, is essentially what I did. Straight out of California where else? Your food is all provided in five little boxes, along with a few supplements and energy drinks. And although the diet eating just calories two days a week helps with weight-loss, the firm claims the body needs to fast for a long enough period without sensing food so that it goes into protectionist mode, which is how humans survived for hundreds of thousands of years. Hence, five days of fasting. How often you follow the programme is up to you – for some people, once a year is enough.

Subscribe to Independent Premium. Jennifer Lopez is rumoured to partake in this lunacy. Thank you Prolon. A day’s worth of food Rachel Hosie. With some variation, depending diet the day, a typical day’s food would include a nutty bar how breakfast, a dried-veggie soup packet for lunch, kale crackers or five olives as a snack, a somewhat heartier soup much say, with prolon for dinner, and a bar for dessert.

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