How to Avoid Burns from Fireworks, the Grill and the Sun

By | July 9, 2021

Man GrillingThe Fourth of July is a holiday filled with fireworks, food and fun in the sun! Before enjoying your holiday weekend, make sure you are taking the right safety precautions to avoid getting burned this summer.

Fireworks burns

In 2014, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reported 10,500 people treated in ERs across the country due to fireworks-related injuries. Over half of injuries were burns to the hands and face.

Stay out of the ER with these tips:

  • Enjoy fireworks responsibly by reading and following the instructions.
  • Sparklers burn with temperatures as high as 2,000° F, which can cause severe burns or easily ignite clothing and hair.
  • Alcohol and fireworks don’t mix. If you’ve been drinking, don’t use fireworks.
  • Never attempt to re-light a ‘dud’ firework. Wait 20 minutes, then submerge it in water.

Grill burns

Hot dogs on the grill? Perfection. Your skin sizzling from a grilling injury? Not so fun.

  •  Keep children away from the grill at all times.
  • Use appropriate, long-handled grilling utensils that allow you to keep a safe distance from the grill.
  • Remember, even once you’re done grilling, your grill can stay hot enough to burn you for up to an hour – so don’t try to move your grill immediately after finishing your cookout.


While taking precautions against sunburn may seem like an unwelcome interruption to your summer fun, sunburns can cause long-lasting damage to your skin.

  • Always wear appropriate amounts of sunscreen to avoid skin damage from UV rays – and don’t forget to re-apply frequently.
  • Take time out of the sun and avoid long amounts of direct exposure.
  • Shield your eyes from harmful light by donning sunglasses and your favorite hat.

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