How to Stop Inner Thigh Chafing? 12 Remedies

By | June 16, 2020

Chafing is a skin irritation problem. This problem arises when the inner thighs continuously rub against each other during hot and humid weather, or excess exposure to the sun. It is a common phenomenon for people involved in sports, heavy work routine, who usually sweats a lot. Also overweight people generally complains about inner thigh chafing.

Innner thigh chafing bumps are caused by continuous friction between the thighs during running, cycling and long workouts, but there are also several other factors which may be accountable for skin rashes.

Inner Thigh Chafing

What Causes Chafing Inner Thighs?

The prime reason for these rashes or chafing is the friction between the skin of the inner thighs. Other reasons for chafing could be

  • Heat and humidity produce sweat which in turn produces bacteria, that cause chafing..
  • Many people sit with their legs crossed. This can also produce sweat, and air cannot reach that place, causing rashes.
  • Moisture left after bathing or swimming can cause itching, rashes, and chafing.
  • People with sensitive skin are likely to face the problem of skin chafing on any part of the body.
  • If you have too much fat accumulated around your thighs, then the rubbing of fat will cause extra friction and thus leading to chafing.
  • People using adult diapers also suffer from rashes because the wetness of diapers causes itching.
  • The hair removal creams that are used to remove hair contain chemicals that are harsh on the skin. Avoid using these more frequently if you want to be chat free.
  • Overly built thigh muscles by excercises.
  • Chafing can be caused by sanitary pads.
  • Too tight dresses like leggings, skinny jeans, skirts or innerwears can cause skin rashes in the groin area.

what causes chafing inner thighs

Indication of Inner Thigh Chafing

To prevent and avoid chafing, you should know the symptoms so that you can control them beforehand. These symptoms are listed below.

  • Redness, itching, rashes are some more pre effects of chafing.
  • If you get blisters in that area without any reason, this means you are suffering from chafing.
  • The blisters in that region that you were taking lightly till now has now ended up being way too dangerous because now it is oozing out pus which causes chafing.
  • You should observe the color change in that area. If it reddens or blackens, this could be a symptom.
  • If that place burns without any reason, then definitely you should be concerned. This is a symptom of chafing.
  • If you notice any swelling in your thigh region which burns upon touching it, then it might be the result of chafing.

Prevention methods of thigh chafing

As they say, prevention is better than cure; follow the below mentioned tips to protect your body from the bizarre effects of thigh chafing.

  • Properly wipe your skin dry after bathing.
  • Apply anti-bacterial powders before wearing clothes.
  • Avoid repeating undergarments.
  • Avoid wearing tight dresses.
  • Try to lose some weight. This will help you a lot in preventing rashes and chafing.

How to Treat Inner Thigh Chafing

Do you also avoid visiting doctors because it’s hectic? Then not to worry, and there are several chafing remedies for inner thighs that you can follow to get rid of this inner thigh chafing. Let us discuss these in detail.

Inner Thigh Chafing Treatment Methods

These methods differ from age group to age group. This may also vary from gender to gender. Let us discuss how to stop inner thigh chafing of babies and adults.

Severe Chafing Inner Thighs Treatment for Adults

  • Using petroleum jelly: You will have to purchase a petroleum jelly that is ready made and apply it at home by yourself. All you need to do is take an appropriate amount of product, apply it to the affected area. Repeat the process till you are entirely free of the chafing.
    what to do for chafing inner thighs
  • Lip balm: If you are unable to find petroleum jelly at any shop, use any lip balm available with you. Lip balms contain petroleum jelly and many other moisturizers that help heal the affected area super soon.
  • Anti-bacterial powders: we all know chafing is caused by wetness and sweat thus applying anti-bacterial powders will kill any possibility of fungal infections. The powders will keep the area dry. Even if it does not cure it correctly, at least it would not let it get worse.
  • Olive Oil: It is very helpful as it provides amazing moisturizing. After taking a bath, you may apply olive oil directly to the chafed skin.

Severe chafing inner thighs treatment methods for babies

It is much more challenging to treat babies because they cannot speak what is wrong with them. Just be careful with the products you are using for your baby’s soft skin.

  • Use cotton diapers.
  • Change the dirty or wet diapers immediately and without any delay.
  • Before making them wear their diapers, apply good quality powder to ensure there is no wetness.
  • Use mood soap for bathing them.
  • Do not rub their skin way too hard.

What are the chafing remedies for inner thighs?

As, we already discussed itching leads to chafing. If you can prevent itching in your thigh region, you will be successful in preventing chafing. Itching could be avoided by applying moisturizers.

Now, which moisturizer could be better than aloe vera gel? It will cool the irritated area. Also, you can also use a regular ice pack. Make sure you do not apply the ice directly because you will wet the city, which is not suitable for itching. Cover the ice pack with a cloth and then use it for better results.

You may also apply coconut oil to help soothe affected area of chafed skin. Also cornstarch can be used as an alternative to talcum powders, as it has the ability to absorb moisture from the skin to reduce itching.


We hope that now you are aware of the ways in which inner thigh chafing can be avoided and can be treated. It is a natural phenomenon caused by the rubbing of thighs against one another and so if you notice redness or bumps around your thighs, do not get worried! However, get it treated as early as possible. Also you should know that stretch marks are very common and it is very easy to get rid of stretch marks on thighs.

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