Origins of mediterranean diet

By | October 14, 2020

origins of mediterranean diet

Experience this traditional, healthful eating pattern from the rustic, windswept island of Pantelleria in the Sicilian region of Italy. Time seems to stand still on the island of Pantelleria, located on the Mediterranean Sea, about 36 miles from North Africa and 65 miles from the coast of Sicily. Thousands of worn black rock terraces wind around slopes, resembling multiple tiers on a wedding cake. The locals—only 8, of them—are warm and vibrant, possessing the slow and relaxed nature so prevalent in this part of the world. Pantelleria serves as a vivid example of the types of foods to eat when following the Mediterranean diet. Meals are made with olive oil, grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, fish, and shellfish. A thousand years ago, the locals began piling lava stones to form miles of perfectly constructed walls that curve around the island.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Keys suggested that this depended on food, and tried to validate his original insight, focusing his attention on foods that made up the diet of these populations. Acknowledgments The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. So the terraces and enclosed gardens created a buffer against the wind while simultaneously allowing moisture from the dew to collect on the rocks to provide hydration to the thirsty plants, without any form of irrigation. Publisher of Today’s Dietitian. The most commonly understood version of the Mediterranean diet was presented, among others, by Walter Willett and colleagues of Harvard University ‘s School of Public Health since the mids. Cengage Learning. Olives are eaten whole and incorporated into dishes, and olive oil is used in cooking.

The Mediterranean diets: what is so special about the diet of Greece? The Mediterranean diet has been the subject of intensive research for more than 50 years, ever since Ancel Keys, PhD, a professor from the University of Minnesota, first performed his legendary, post-World War II Seven Countries Study, which examined the health outcomes of nearly 13, middle-aged men in the United States, Japan, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Finland, and then-Yugoslavia. Science and cultural updates. Laterza; Bari: Nutrition Through the Life Cycle 4th ed.