Can i eat jello with acid reflux

April 24, at am. Find foods and drinks to choose and to avoid, as well as a sample menu, to help relieve or prevent GERD. All herbs and spices, except those to avoid. The two types of methylxanthines in chocolate are caffeine and theobromine, stimulants that enable us to enjoy the “feel good” vibes you… Read More »

What to take for vestibular migraine

Donate Talk to us: In fact, there are many types of migraine that involve no headache at all. It just so happens that the most common two types of migraine in the population are the headache varieties; Common Migraine and Classical migraine. Migraine is actually a condition of altered sensation and can happen at any… Read More »

Why is yoga hot

You may have heard that you can “sweat out toxins” by doing Bikram yoga or other styles of hot yoga. In fact, the term has become so popular that many have begun to attribute the practice with medical benefits that may not actually be there. Your body is a sophisticated little unit with a system… Read More »