Fauci pushes for expanded COVID-19 vaccination among adolescents

As coronavirus vaccines have become more widely available, officials are looking to expand COVID-19 vaccination coverage among adolescents. Speaking at a White House COVID-19 response team virtual town hall, Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, noted 3.3 million coronavirus infections and 314 deaths in those younger than 18. He also cited a recent… Read More »

Why We Need to Discuss the COVID-19 Vaccine with Women of Childbearing Age

When we meet with women for perinatal psychiatry consultations, we now ask about vaccinations.  It’s not something we typically do, but after the last year, we are now getting involved in their decisions regarding vaccination against COVID-19.  Just as we counsel women to avoid alcohol and to consistently take their prenatal vitamins, providing information on… Read More »

Arthritis warning: Two drinks to avoid – they can trigger painful symptoms

According to researchers from the division of rheumatology, immunology and allergy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, America, the drinks you choose to consume could be having an effect on your arthritis. Zoning in on rheumatoid arthritis in particular, 217 subjects who were mailed a diet survey reported that drinking soda made their symptoms feel worse.… Read More »