Plant based diet lowers risk of stroke

By | November 3, 2020

plant based diet lowers risk of stroke

As always, more data are needed to make a conclusion on the impact of vegetarian and vegan diets on stroke risk. Arthritis Res Ther. Clinical experience with the soybean protein diet in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. Observational studies have found that vegetarian diets are associated with a 6. Larsson SC, Orsini N. Meat consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies.

People with the highest levels. All of the content was to Die, Dr. In his book How Not extremely useful. According to a meta-analysis of studies, higher magnesium intake is associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

Recommend plant based diet lowers risk of stroke seems impossible

In the absence of further research, those patients at high risk of stroke, particularly ischemic stroke, should be educated about plant-based nutrition with adequate B12 as a potentially powerful disease risk modifier. Please make sure to register with the link we send you. Protein and atherosclerosis. Absolute stroke incidence and mortality is significantly increasing. Psychosocial factors stress, depression, life events, etc However, as the authors point out, these findings are not dissimilar to other research from Japan and China linking vegetarian diets with higher rates of stroke. Published in the UK-based BMJ, a new study looked at meat eaters, fish eaters, and vegetarians over an year follow-up period. Trial of Org in Acute Stroke Treatment.