Two different assessments of COVID-19 pandemic news coverage

By | July 4, 2021

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Gary Schwitzer is the founder and publisher of HealthNewsReview. He has covered health care news almost exclusively since 1973. Here is his online bio.  He tweets as @garyschwitzer or as @HealthNewsRevu.

Two new journalistic analyses of 2020-2021 pandemic news coverage were released this week.  I was interviewed in each of them.

Science journalist Faye Flam produced a new episode for her “Follow the Science” podcast, with funding from the Society for Professional Journalists. She interviewed me, David Leonhardt of the New York Times and David Wallace-Wells of New York Magazine.

And science journalist Jillian Mock quoted me and about a dozen other people she had interviewed in her piece for Medscape, ‘Dreck’ to Drama: How the Media Handled, and Got Handled, by COVID.

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