UV Radiation Protects Against Coronavirus

According to a British observational study1 posted July 6, 2020, on the preprint server medRxiv, ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure appears to lower COVID-19 mortality rates. As reported by News Medical Life Sciences,2 environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and UV irradiation are known to play a role in other infectious diseases, including seasonal influenza, so… Read More »

Low carb diet book

I may or may not diet a small book. Quick, easy and to the point. Limiting refined carbohydrates and increasing healthy fats and proteins can help you lose weight and improve cardiovascular health stars 5 carb 5 stars. Rate this book Low rating 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars… Read More »

List of staples needed for mediterranean diet recipes

You must read food labels carefully if you want to avoid these unhealthy ingredients. Keep these items on hand to incorporate the Mediterranean diet into your everyday eating—in addition, of course, to fresh fruits, veggies, and fish. Login Already have an account? Unrefined grains: Bulgur, barley, quinoa, freekah. Extra Virgin Olive Oil — Try ours… Read More »