Tag Archives: Michael

‘Dexter’ Star Michael C. Hall Says the Show’s Original Ending Was ‘Infuriating’

Dexter star Michael C Hall has opened up about the show’s controversial original ending, admitting it was “infuriating for people”. The hit show, which came to an end in 2013, is set to be revived for a 10-part Showtime series, with Michael C Hall returning as the titular serial killer as he relocates to a… Read More »

“All About Team”: CIO Michael Restuccia on How Insourcing IS Helped Transform Penn Medicine

Michael Restuccia, SVP & CIO, Penn Medicine Rarely is the phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid” considered a good thing — and even rarer is it cited as the reason for staying with an organization. But in Michael Restuccia’s case, it makes perfect sense. When he was offered an opportunity to lead an IS project at Penn… Read More »