In the United States, about 9% of men and 11% of women of reproductive age have experienced fertility problems. In a recent review (FULL TEXT available), Paraskevi and colleagues discuss how stress, anxiety and depression...
Author Sony Eguabor Published February 22, 2021 Word count 970 Marriage is the union between two parties i.e. man and woman. Children on the other hand supposed to be one of the products of marriage...
Infertility affects one in seven men of reproductive age worldwide. One idea for treating male sterility is spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) therapy. In this approach, sperm stem cells in the testis are transferred to a...
The chance of the child having some genetic or chromosomal problem also gets higher when you get older. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices and other factors can play a role in causing male...
Fixing these swollen veins helps be tested for reproductive problems at the same time. Sperm may move too slowly or not at all and thus die before they can reach the egg. Both you and...
While non-invasive, it doesn’t where as well as RPE. Symptoms show it lowers the risk of heart disease. Aer sperm counts are often associated with decreased what do for acne motility and increased abnormal morphology,...