An Invisible Prison Has Been Built Just for You

In the video above, Maria Zeee with ZeeeMedia interviews computer scientist Aman Jabbi about the coming international vaccine passport, digital identity, the social credit system being built in the West, and central bank digital currency (CBDC). All these factors are now coming together to control the global population. As noted by Zeee, this digital prison,… Read More »

Could Hydrogen Peroxide Treat Coronavirus?

Can an inexpensive and easy to administer at-home treatment treat the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2? According to Dr. Thomas Levy,1 the answer is yes. The remedy in question is hydrogen peroxide, aerosolized in any standard nebulizer. Originally conceptualized in the early ’90s by Dr. Charles Farr,2 hydrogen peroxide treatment can successfully treat most viral respiratory illnesses,… Read More »